Saturday, March 3, 2018

Direct tweeting for Conor Lamb

This is for people who want to do organized, direct tweeting to voters in the PA18th Congressional district special election, which is ten days from now on March 13th. For information on this special election, see Ballotpedia PA18 2018 special election.

Doug Jones won the 2017 Alabama special election for the U.S. Senate. This election generated a huge amount of national interest and campaign spending. For more info see Ballotpedia AL 2017 special Senate election.

The Doug Jones campaign had a large postcarding component. It was reported that, in the postcarding effort, Alabama Democrats received 347,709 postcards that were sent by 6,376 volunteers, reminding them to vote. (For perspective, Doug Jones reported on election night that there had been 1,200,000 phone calls and 300,000 door knocks in his campaign. See Trump resistance; direct tweeting.)

There appears to be a postcarding component in the Conor Lamb campaign.

I advocated in the Doug Jones campaign for organized, direct tweeting to Alabama voters. For an explanation of the idea, see Organizing this.

There are only ten days to go until the PA18 special election on March 13th.

If anyone in the PA18 Congressional district or anywhere else would like to participate in organized direct tweeting to PA18 voters during the next 10 days, please contact me.