Thursday, August 20, 2020

Relational organizing

The Doug Jones campaign says the below about social and digital media:

The campaign has a myriad of social and digital media strategies. The most helpful, efficient, and proven way for volunteers to assist our efforts are 1. relational organizing and 2. text banking. We do trainings on both each week, follow our social media channels for registration info.

I believe that relational organizing encompasses any group that forms with a common interest in Doug, and the members of which group communicate among themselves relative to that common interest and potentially seek to add members who have such common interest, and potentially further seek to purvey information and make advocacy to the public in favor of Doug relative to the group's common interest in Doug.

An example of relational organizing might be a group of persons in the health care field who are interested in Doug's positions and ideas about health care. These persons communicate with one another and potentially to others in the health care field about same and further even potentially to the public in some fashion.

Ideally the campaign is aware of groups that are engaged in relational organizing for Doug. While the campaign may be aware of groups engaged in relational organizing, voters and other supporters of Doug may not know anything of the group and its common interest in Doug.

Voters and other Doug Jones supporters are limited in the amount of information and knowledge they can or will take in and process relative to candidates in an election, and it is understandable that information about relational organizing that goes on for Doug is not set up to be incorporated as part of the campaign's public campaigning.

I think, in some cases, relational organizing that is going on should be made more visible to the public.

This is because the general public is sometimes afflicted by ignorance, misinformation and bias in the public campaigning discourse in Alabama, and there are pools of knowledge that could be helpful to Alabamians if the same was communicated to them.

Take as an example the business community. Say there members of the business community who have a common interest in the Doug Jones candidacy and are engaged in relational organizing.

I think they should be drawn into the public discourse.

I have used the term "silos" to describe the situation of the business community and have endeavored to draw out some of their expertise. See the link

I have also tried to get Alabama health care expertise into the public domain. See, e.g.,

Relational organizing by Alabamians advocating stricter gun control should be going on in connection with the Senatorial election. I am interested in their relational organizing and what they seek to get in the public domain in the course of the election. See

The same goes for reproductive rights as said above about gun control. See

Facebook comments from a week ago re relational organizing
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    Felicia Stewart
     I think I understand the idea of "relational organizing." In the below link, I suggest that, in the case of some groups carrying on relational organizing, the tenor of what a group is saying internally should be gotten into the public domain. If you think I could make a contribution to the campaign by working on shaping relational organizing and getting same into the public domain, I would love to work on that. Just let me know. Thanks.
    Relational organizing
    Relational organizing
    Relational organizing
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    Felicia Stewart
     If I would not be useful as part of the campaign, I would be interested in being referred to groups doing relational organizing which are focused on policy and issues in which I have special interest. I think my above link indicates several of those, and I have more that I can provide to you. Thanks.
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  • Rob Shattuck
     i suggested that to them. Someone on his campaign staff does this crap.
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    Karen Glenday
     They could be overwhelmed and not able to respond. Maybe I will seek out groups doing relational organizing directly.
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    Karen Glenday
     I have submitted the following for approval and posting: "The campaign says that "relational organizing" is one of the two most helpful, efficient, and proven ways for volunteers to assist the campaign.
    Do you know what relational organizing is?
    Are you doing relational organizing?
    Do you want to do relational organizing?
    Let's discuss.
    Relational organizing
    Relational organizing
    Relational organizing
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  • Rob Shattuck
     I have heard the term tossed around, but never implemented it. I'd like to try!
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    Karen Glenday
     Hopefully the group administrators will approve the post I submitted to them, and we can find other members of the group who would like to try as well. 
    Felicia Stewart
    Cara Schumann
    Kayla Sloan