Monday, August 17, 2020

Getting TV news on Tuberville's case

Whether or not Tuberville debates Doug Jones, I think it would be beneficial to Doug's campaign to get Alabama TV stations and their news reporters to get on Tuberville's case and try to force Tuberville to answer important questions.

I am endeavoring to do this via Twitter, such as in the below tweet and retweet:

I don't think my doing this alone can have any effect on what the TV stations and their reporters do.

I believe, if Doug Jones supporters did organized tweeting to (at) the TV stations and their reporters, there could be an effect on them.

If anyone has suggestions for other ways to get Alabama TV stations and their news reporters to be on Tuberville's case and try to force Tuberville to answer important questions, please communicate such suggestions.  

For many of my tweets seeking to get Alabama TV stations and their news reporters to try to force Tuberville to answer important questions, go to link:  10/26/2020
At this point in time of 8 days to go before the election, Tuberville has for months dissed Alabamians and AL TV stations with Tuberville's refusal to debate and his refusal to answer questions.
I think it is time for hardball by AL TV stations.
AL TV stations should invite Doug Jones and Tuberville to appear jointly on the TV stations' news shows (in person or via Zoom) and answer questions. 
If Tuberville refuses to appear, Jones should be allowed to answer the questions and comment on Tuberville's not answering questions.
Also, if Tuberville refuses to appear, the TV stations should contact appropriate persons or entities and ask them whether they they care to appear and answer for Tuberville. Suggestions for this are Alabama's GOP members of Congress and ALGOP Chairman Lathan. Those persons will presumably decline to appear for Tuberville, and the TV station should emphasize to their viewers that the TV stations contacted others (naming names) to answer for Tuberville, but no one was willing.

As a last ditch public service undertaking regarding the Tuberville/Jones Senate race, Alabama TV stations should schedule a joint Zoom call with Doug Jones for tomorrow or Monday. 
This joint Zoom call would be a live TV event that is broadcast on the regular local channels of the TV stations.
In the live Zoom call, news reporters of the TV stations would ask questions of Doug Jones. Call in questions from viewers would be solicited. There should be arranged for one or more commentators or moderators who participate in the live Zoom call and can ask follow up questions and also make comment about Tuberville relative to questions that are asked of Doug Jones and his answers.
The duration of the live Zoom call should be indefinite and the live Zoom call should last so long as Doug Jones is willing to stay on the call and there are questions being asked of him.  

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