Monday, November 20, 2017

Simplifying this

The tweeting banks I have created seek to state a reason for voting for Doug Jones, and the tweets give a link to a webpage for the recipient to click on, which link elaborates on the reason for voting for Doug Jones. The linked webpage further invites recipients to join in the tweeting. The method  gives importance to tweet recipients clicking on the links and keeping track of page views to establish that links are being clicked on.

Simplification may be called for at this juncture.

There is an active postcard sending effort going on in which Doug Jones supporters are sending postcards to Alabama voters in support of Doug Jones. At a minimum this gets Doug Jones' name in front of the eyes of Alabamians and calls to their attention that fellow Alabamians support Doug Jones. This by itself is helpful in the campaign.

The tweeting being advocated by this blog could be simplified. The tweet could say simply, "I am voting for Doug Jones, and you should too." A link to a webpage might or might not be included.

Doug Jones tweeters would be instructed, "Just go find a Twitter account in your geographical area and send individual tweets to followers of that Twitter account. After you are done sending your batch of tweets, post a tweet on the #DougJonesforSenate hashtag that says, "I just sent individual tweets to __ followers of such and such Twitter account."

Further you might post a comment on this blog entry saying the same thing.

For example, say you live in or near Enterprise, Alabama. A follower list you could use for sending your individual tweets could be Take a look at that followers list, and see that you would probably want to be a little selective about which followers you send your tweets to.

This simpler method of tweeting gets Doug Jones' name in front of the eyes of Alabamians and calls to their attention that fellow Alabamians support Doug Jones. This should be worth doing in the campaign at this juncture.

Questions or comments
For questions or comments, there is a Google group I have created. See Google group.
Or feel free to tweet me questions or comments.

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